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Inhumanity tie-in! Mad scientist June Covington, aka the Toxic Doxie, has her very own with a unique ability that, in the wrong hands, could change everything. Now Covington's at war with A.I.M. for control of new Inhuman abilities! Meanwhile, young hero Spider-Girl is being mentored by Spider-Woman and Wolverine...but when she follows in the footsteps of her investigative reporter father and begins tracking Covington, Spider-Girl has to enlist the help of Iron Man to understand what's at stake, how to fight it - and, if she's very lucky, how to recover a dear friend without ending up dead.

  • Marvel
Charakter Serien:
  • The Avengers
  • Avengers
  • Marvel Comics

Marvel Avengers Assemble: The Forgeries of Jealousy (Marvel Now) Graphic Novel

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Inhumanity tie-in! Mad scientist June Covington, aka the Toxic Doxie, has her very own with a unique ability that, in the wrong hands, could change everything. Now Covington's at war with A.I.M. for control of new Inhuman abilities! Meanwhile, young hero Spider-Girl is being mentored by Spider-Woman and Wolverine...but when she follows in the footsteps of her investigative reporter father and begins tracking Covington, Spider-Girl has to enlist the help of Iron Man to understand what's at stake, how to fight it - and, if she's very lucky, how to recover a dear friend without ending up dead.

  • Marvel
Charakter Serien:
  • The Avengers
  • Avengers
  • Marvel Comics
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