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Bela Lugosi starred in the 1932 movie White Zombie, the first movie made about the walking undead. Star Ace's 1/6 scale collectible figure of Murder Legendre features an authentic likeness of Bela Lugosi. His faithful costume features a black cloak and hat and he comes with a wax doll of his victim.

  • White Zombie
  • Murder Legendre
  • Star Ace

White Zombie Murder Legendre Bela Lugosi 1/6 Af (Net)

EUR 323.95

323,95 €


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Die durchschnittliche Wartezeit beträgt 25 Sekunden

Bela Lugosi starred in the 1932 movie White Zombie, the first movie made about the walking undead. Star Ace's 1/6 scale collectible figure of Murder Legendre features an authentic likeness of Bela Lugosi. His faithful costume features a black cloak and hat and he comes with a wax doll of his victim.

  • White Zombie
  • Murder Legendre
  • Star Ace
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