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Celebrate your favorite Disney villains and characters in this magical edition of Munchkin!

Players will find their favorite characters from across Disney’s most cherished franchises in this magical edition of Munchkin. Villains and unexpected pitfalls await in this role-playing card game where hunting for treasure, lining up Allies, and collecting items is all part of your world as you race to be the top Disney fan at Level 10. Are you ready to kick open the door and see what’s on the other side?

  • Disney
  • USAopoly

MUNCHKIN: Disney Card Game

EUR 29.95

29,95 €


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Die durchschnittliche Wartezeit beträgt 25 Sekunden

Die durchschnittliche Wartezeit beträgt 25 Sekunden

Celebrate your favorite Disney villains and characters in this magical edition of Munchkin!

Players will find their favorite characters from across Disney’s most cherished franchises in this magical edition of Munchkin. Villains and unexpected pitfalls await in this role-playing card game where hunting for treasure, lining up Allies, and collecting items is all part of your world as you race to be the top Disney fan at Level 10. Are you ready to kick open the door and see what’s on the other side?

  • Disney
  • USAopoly
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